3. rsz
corinamew 2006.02.08. 11:11
Igy nz ki a 3. rsz fedlapja.
Vgl, Ichigo kapcsolatba lpett az sszes lnnyal, aki a Tokyo Mew Mew-t alkotta, s egytt le kell gyzzk az rmanokat, mieltt k elfoglaljk a Fldet! A harcok kztt Ichigo attol tart, hogy Aoyama (Mark) ismeri a titkos identitst. Vajon lesz jvjk, ha a tudja az igazat?
Finally, Ichigo has connected with all of the other girls who make up Tokyo Mew Mew - and, together, they must battle the aliens before they take over the world! Between battles, Ichigo is worried that Aoyama knows her secret identity. Will they have a future if he knows the truth?!